About Us


Whatever the background of our students, whatever their abilities and wherever they start from, when they come to Echuca East Primary School, we strive to create a cohesive, inclusive, challenging and supportive learning environment encompassing all members of the school community and based on the school’s values of respect, responsibility and resilience.

We are all proud to continually learn through seeking best practice, innovation, reflection, celebration of our achievements, having a safe environment and being open to learning. E.E.P.S. sets high expectations of our learners, and those learners are fully supported in their journey. Teachers, families, friends and the wider community are encouraged to be part of the learning journey. We aim to make all feel welcome to come into the school and classrooms, knowing that a strong relationship between home and school is integral to the best outcomes for our students. Children are regularly setting goals, articulating those goals and working towards achieving them in their daily practice.

In 2025, the school will operate with a Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Specialists, Mental Health, Disability and Inclusion, Literacy & Numeracy Coordinators and 4 Level Leaders. The school is organised into four levels, Level 1 – Prep; Level 2 – Grades 1 and 2; Level 3 – Grades 3 and 4; and Level 4 – Grades 5 and 6, for the delivery of our teaching and learning programs. Within each level, a strong team ethos exists between staff members which enhance opportunities for all. Evident in all classrooms are clear learning objectives and these are a feature of each lesson that takes place. Explicit teaching and student profiles support student learning.

Specialist programs offered at Echuca East in 2025 include Physical Education, Drama, Visual Arts, Music, Indonesian and Science.

To further enhance curriculum areas, enrichment programs include Swimming, Sustainability, House System, Better Buddy Program, School Camps, School and Interschool Sports and other extension groups including State School Spectacular, Tournament of the Minds and Young Leaders. We are constantly looking for additional programs to support the development of our students with a focus on opportunities to develop our independent self-directed learners.

We have a 1-1 iPad program for students in grades 1-6 which has proven to be an exciting addition to our school programs. As we move into a future that is dominated by a continually developing, diverse, technologically driven communication age, it is imperative that we as a community protect our children from all forms of abuse, including when online.

Communication is an integral part of great teaching and learning and our staff support children to become good communicators. Opportunities are provided for students to share their learning in many forms. Importance is placed on regular home/school communication in both formal and informal ways.

At Echuca East Primary School we have clear expectations of student behaviour. Classroom agreements are negotiated with the students at the beginning of each year and consistently implemented. Individual and class rewards occur in each classroom for displaying positive learning behaviours and our school values. We support students as they learn to cooperate with each other and know they too, can support and learn from each other along their learning journey. We have developed our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework and will continue this with integrity.

With a clear vision for our future, Echuca East’s teaching and learning community continues to foster an environment that provides a safe, quality, comprehensive education enabling all students to become life-long learners.

Principal’s Welcome

To all our parents, students and community we extend a warm welcome and sincerely hope your association with our school will be worthwhile in all respects. I am so proud to be Principal of such an amazing school where you can see great things are happening as we continuously improve upon everything we do.

We are a proud government school, where we take all who walk through the doors and work with them, with the intention of all experiencing success. We have a saying, “Once an Eastie, Always an Eastie” and we mean this from the bottom of our hearts. I love being out in the community and having past students quote this saying to me. Lots of our Eastie families boast several generations coming through our school.

We are very fortunate at Echuca East Primary School to have committed staff who work so hard at making our children’s schooling positive and enjoyable. This can be seen from the moment you walk into our reception area to make an initial inquiry, to all staff working in classrooms directly with our students and including the Principal and Assistant Principal.

We differentiate the learning to support all students with different starting points. Careful monitoring of each individual child’s progress is an integral aspect of our school. We ensure the students know how they are progressing and share that journey with our families. A very positive aspect is the way parents and teachers work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students.

There has been significant improvements to our buildings and playgrounds over the last few years, with outdoor spaces for all classrooms to access during learning times, improved playgrounds and the installation of a bore to help water our oval and grassed spaces. We look forward to continually enhancing our facilities with fundraising supporting our next improvement priority.

Echuca East Primary School has a friendly spirit of co-operation, enabling our children to enjoy their time here, while experiencing an excellent education. Our three values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience guide all our interactions.

Come and visit our school, I’m sure you will want to stay and learn alongside us. Echuca East – Where every child counts!

If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Lindy Burke


ph 03 54822588

We will never give up on any of our students.


Child safety and wellbeing at Echuca East Primary School: information for families and the school community

Echuca East Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.

Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students

Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Child Safety Code of Conduct

Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure

Complaints Policy

Student Wellbeing Engagement

Bullying Prevention Policy

Volunteers Policy

Child Safe Volunteer Induction Handbook

Visitors Policy

Digital Learning Policy

As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Echuca East Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback.

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact Echuca East Primary School at echuca.east.ps@education.vic.gov.au or by phone on 03 5482 2588.

Administration Of Medication

Aboriginal Learning and Wellbeing Safety

Privacy Policy




Camps & Excursions

Communication With Staff Policy

Curriculum Framework Policy

Duty Of Care

Enrolment Policy

First Aid

Four Critical Actions For Schools

Health Care Needs

Identifying and Responding to All Forms of Abuse in Victorian Schools

Inclusion & Diversity


Mobile Phones

Personal Property

Photographing Filming Recording Students

Respect For School Staff

Statement Of Values And School Philosophy Policy

Student Dress Code Policy